
In the Attic

I finally got around to snooping in the attic. There's a lot of boxes and crap around. Old baby toys, old clothes my mother used to wear. The works. Pictures, but nothing really of importance:

This was some crates of Charles'. His old uniform bag is behind them.

Another box and a suitcase (but I think he used it as a briefcase?)

I think these are the names of the people who used to live in this house. David and Freddy? Not sure about last names, and frankly, I don't care.

Nothing really big. I just thought some pictures would help with the "broader spectrum" of the situation.

As I was up there taking pictures (with that lovely crap of a camera on my iPod), I kept hearing strange noises. I'd hear creaking and cracking and banging coming from down the stairs. Though I'm pretty sure the creaking and cracking was me walking on the squeaky wooden floors and stepping in some old, crunchy leaves or wood shavings, but the banging was not me. I know that for sure.

A chill ran down my spine everytime I passed Charles' uniform bag, too.

I'll get around to sorting through the one box with the papers in it soon.

William A. Gordon

Edit: I just looked back at a previous post; the boxes that were taken are still missing. They didn't really look important anyways. That old camera and some of Charles' personal belongings, like some pictures and his wallet and knick-knacks like that.

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